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Git and Github

Although there are many different Control Version Softwares, the one you should familiar yourself with is Git.

Other than being open source, distributed, fast and scalable, it's the most popular and widely used CVS out there. Being able to collaborate is arguably one of the most important skill as a professional; learning how to use git is essential in that regard for a modern day developer.

Ok, let's git going !

Oh wait!

Actually, before you learn git, you should have an online storage space for your repositories (fancy name for a CVS database). That will enable you to start using git the way you would in a collaborative setting and will give you a portal to most of the open-source ressources out there.

Let's start by a nice ad on what is Github's purpose:

Now sign up on Github here.

Once you have your account in place you are ready to follow a tutorial on setting up and using git and github.

Here is the link for the tutorial.